Purification is the watchword of Temperance. As it has been said: Solve et Coagula. The elixir and the stone - but what is both at once?
Aye, goal-less having become the Work.
Who can claim they are finished?
When this card appears, it means the responsibility is on the agent - focus, intensity, and CARE are what is needed to acquire the proper mindset.
Desire and Method conjoin in order to conceive a child named Verily.
It has been said:
Visitae Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
The supreme insight, what you are seeking, will reveal itself once discipline under the aegis of connection to something larger than you has evaporated the displacements that keep you from your jewels.
Desire wisely applied fuels this distillation.
Addictions, trauma, depressions: those soils which the Shadow has coughed forth - now named, now contained - are to be processed in the crucible of discipline, by the fires of divine longing.
Raise your desire for truth and connection to the level of absolute intensity.
Push the corrupted metal into and through its boiling point.
Aye. Melt the dark matter with the Shin-fire of spiritual ascent.
Melt the dark matter with intensity and cool it with surrender. Make these occur outside of time’s one-way track - like pilgrims meeting, on the way to each others homes.
Let fire and water meet at the crossroads - let a crystal form.
Spinoza said: we do not vanquish vice in order to achieve blessedness - rather, when we achieve blessedness, vice evaporates. For this reason the desire to connect with the absolute horizon, the absolute ground of all existence and nonexistence, the uninterrupted and undeniable - THAT is the key to the higher alchemy. That is the key to purification.
Master at the crucible, ignite the flames. Pilgrim on the path, bathe in the tears of eternity.
Jewel in the centre. Jewel on the horizon. Jewel in the way across.
And so it flows.