It's Friday, and and the critical turn has happened. We now round the corner from the minor arcana and court cards (on the spheres of the Tree of Life), to the Trump cards (on the paths). There will be a feeling of returning over the next week, like a premonition of a vast transformation.
Buckminster Fuller famously said "I am a trim-tab", referring to a sortof "micro-rudder" on the tip of an industrial rudder. When the trim tab turns - and it is a tiny thing - it sets up a cascade of events which will ultimately turn the whole, great ship.
In a way this week feels no different from last week - but there is a difference: a different the size of a trim tab.
A practice for this week then, is simple. Take an action that is in line with an ambitious outcome that you desire. The action can be very small - minimal even. Write a letter, post a link, draw a picture, take a walk. Make this action the equivalent of achieving the ambitious outcome. The one compresses the other into its meaning and purpose. This is the "trim-tab action". Set the intent, make the equivalency, do the action, forget about it and go your way. It is simple.
There is a profound magickal secret in this. The truly committed - those with the ears that see and the eyes that hear - will recognize. Now is that moment.
Still at the crossroads, we stand - but something is in motion. Trim Tab.
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