It's Friday, and the time of the Lovers is here. The Lovers has layers - to some it is the tale of Adam and Eve - to others it speaks of a marriage, or an affair. In still other senses, it is not a romantic or an erotic card at all - but simply about partnerships - including those between friends, siblings, business partners.
The key idea is of a relationship with an "upwards spiral" - one that leads to richer and richer experiences. In this way, it is the opposite of the Devil - which shows relations largely based on using the other for some purpose or end.
With the Lovers, the key is not to try to use the other to gain some particular goal, but rather recognize that the other is the goal. This kind of relationship gets richer and richer over time.
This week, you mission is to enrich a vital partnership: not for any reason but that this is a good thing to do.
You will find, if you can manage this, that many of the illusions of life will dissolve, namely those that depend on imagining that you are displaced from life and have to pursue some particular goal or end, before you are ready to begin - a pursuit that is endless.
The lovers is a gateway back into immediacy, for those who would care to explore it.
Find immediacy. Re-enter Eden.