It's Friday, and the time of the Emperor is here. The Emperor represents the power of structure, architecture, and order. The emperor is ultimately a civil servant - his purpose is to establish protocols and parameter that govern manifestation. The emperor is Janus-faced in the sense that he has a capacity for both peace and war. It is important to balance the two capacities - mercy and severity.
The Emperor is demiurgic, in the sense of being an agent that mediates the unmanifest to the masses. If he is well-aspected, this demiurgic potency is benevolent. It is important, however that the capacity for order not eclipse the plenum from which it emerges. If the emperor becomes a bottleneck over reality, it will become a trap - this is the classic drawback of authoritarian structures - instead of serving, they become tyrannical. This is all too common, but fortunately it is not inevitable.
You mission this week is to explore the tetractys of the decad. Find 10 pebbles, coins, or other small objects and compose them into the following diagram:
It may seem simple, but it is, in truth one of the great keys of the Magickal tradition - going all the way back to Pythagoras and representing a fundamental framework that converts confusion into clarity.
Take your time exploring the demiurgic ladder that is the Tetractys.