It's Friday, and the time of Justice is now. Justice is about recovering the balance. Many things in our lives get out of whack in dealing with and responding to the contingencies of existence. Living is inherently about losing balance - SO - the Justice card, which has variously also been called Balance, Adjustment, or Ethics gives us the keys to restoring the centre.
Remember that balance is a dynamic state of affairs- just like justice. It is not possible to attain it in any way that will be automatic, guaranteed, and maintenance free forever. Yes. That is the key - all true balance requires maintenance of attention and effort.
So, what we seek this week is not so much a state of being as a way of becoming - an attitude, that if we can find it and sustain it, will serve to keep us fluid, flexible, and un-stuck.
Your mission this week is to address an imbalance - perhaps a debt you own, or are owed, perhaps a habit that you have - or need. Find the imbalance and bring it back into harmony. Do what needs to be done.
For the Ancient Egyptians, when we die, our heart is weighed against a feather. I suggest we marry this notion with the mantra "die daily", which I first heard from Robert Anton Wilson. In this way, justice becomes an ongoing process of adjustment, in which we gradually progress to ever more light-hearted states of being.
Find the way to the featherlight heart. Follow that way, though it may be across a thousand lives.