The path of the tower is a warrior's path. It is a path that needs integrity, calmness of soul, kindness, and firmness. It is a path that puts stress upon us at every point of our soul-field, and which tests us, forges us, develops us beyond our limitations.

The Tower is often seen struck by lightning - but sometimes you will also see it being consumed by a mouth. This is a reference to the fact that the letter Peh (in Hebrew meaning Mouth) is linked to this card in the Golden Dawn system. It evokes for me an idea of how both the below (the hunger of the masses) and the above (acts of god) are thriving forces behind the destabilizing of fixed boundary systems.

The moment these fixed boundaries calcify, an internal drive (hunger), plus an external force - (change, unpredictability) become twin enemies of the stasis. For this reason a true military intelligence remains fluid and adaptable at all times - like water stored in a reservoir, ready to be released in controlled, but unfixed ways (See I Ching Hexagram 7, the Army). The warriors path assumes nothing, but responds to the real contours of a situation. Never become the oppressor - therein lies defeat. Life must flow: let its forces drive a thousand turbines, but do not trap it, for it will topple your walls,
Basically a "tower" is a kind-of trapped energy forced to grow in only one direction. A silo. This card is all about challenging and shaking this up. With firmness, balance, and kindness. But, when it comes to times of a constricted energy which has become overbearing (whether it is in ideology, a personal role, or an institution) - the key is to crack the shell of that energy and evolve - in short, to molt. The Tower is an opportunity to molt. Look for opportunities to renovate your parameters and renegotiate your boundaries and barriers. Stay organic.
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