Regardless of whether you are moving from the Fool towards the world, or from the world towards the Fool (as we are), the Tarot is a sequence. It will be observed that each link in its chain has a moment of inception that rises towards a peak and then begins to wind down as the next energy in the sequence rises in strength. This gives us a way of "riding the timewave", where if we focus on bringing a given energy to its peak form, but then shift focus to the next energy as it rises - we are pouring our energy into the efficient forms of each, letting them go as they outstay their welcome. No energy lasts forever. They all overlap. The Tarot is an infinite chain, an oroboros. We can attune ourselves to the optimal expressions of every link in the chain, and thus affirm the whole circuit, which in a way exists outside of linear time as we know it, like a vast rosary or mala.