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The Magus

Writer: Peter Duchemin, PhdPeter Duchemin, Phd

Mercurial, adaptable, quicksilver reflexes, and a silver tongue. The world may create words, but the words create worlds.

On the table are the four tools, or toys, or weapons - as you choose.

The wand is the will,

The cup is the imagination,

The sword is the intellect,

The disk is the body.

Emotional essence animates all four. Be invested.

When this card appears, it is time to lay your cards on the table.

For this is the secret of secrets:

How do we make the table?

The red and the white - horizon and seed, male and female, blended in organic entanglement, hybrid on the vine.

The mage is a coupling of brilliance and darkness, a master of light and shadow. Hermaphrodite in spirit, agent and patient of auto-impregnation.

The logos weaves across the perceptible continuum providing a means for conscious focus to shape experience. Reality is semi-plastic - neither loose as relativism would have it, nor rigid as would absolutism. Reality is flexible and the factors which affect it include focus, knowledge, and commitment.

Ever word implies a sphere-like drop and language itself is like a coalescence of drops - a gleaming Pearl of manyness and unity simultaneously. The dominion of language, of the clearly denominable is called 'being'. The pre-linguistic flux which being floats on, as does a lily on a pond, has been deceptively called 'non being'.

We need both to be real. We make our worlds out of the contrast. Adepts of the logos perceive the paradox - it is no obstacle to their understanding.

Paradox allows mind and body, within and without, waking and dreaming, to exist on the same continuum.

To say it is all mind, to say it is all matter - take no side in this foolish debate.

Walk the path and create as you will - truth and falsehood are limited to certain special circumstances - closed systems, binary questions, accounts pertaining to past and present events... but to imagine that they apply wholesale to the real is fatal to life's creative vitality.

The creative expresses futurity. The future is indeterminate, as is its seed - indwelling nascent in the present.

The seed of the future is poetry, is art.

The seed of the future is Magick.



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