The Ibisystem Apocalyptic Orrery is a system of time magick that uses 9 special calendars, each keyed to the orbit of a different planet. Each calendar (or count) has different magickal systems associated with it, and to learn to follow, or track a count through the full expression of that count's planetary orbit is to acquire a magickal empowerment. Some counts empower focus, some empower cleverness, and others empower artistic flow.

This account (on Facebook and Instagram) takes its rhythm from the Forest of Life Venus Calendar, which has a 224 day year. This is the time it takes for Venus to go around the sun. Every 10 Venus years, we add a week to make up for lost time. This 10 year cycle is called a Grand Forest cycle.
The Forest of Life Calendar is dedicated to Tarot, and so it grounds Tarot Time - which is the name for the way we assign cards to each of the 32 weeks in the cycle. This technique allows us to live INSIDE the tarot. The weekly theme is itself an enchantment of time. The week's theme always changes on Friday (Venus Day), and since this week's energy is the Empress, or the Path of Venus, it is especially appropriate to discuss this calendar.

This calendar sends a pulse of magickal meaning out into the world - a ripplefield, if you will: a rhythm that emanates Tarot Time and influences synchronicities and magickal events for those directly and indirectly connected to it. If you attune with it, it becomes like surfing a wave of time.

There are many secrets and insights to be learned in this kind of metamagick. I teach some of them in my courses. In a month's time a new cycle will start. Perhaps you would like to get involved in this more in depth. I offer videos, PDFs, and Q&A sessions in addition to the free services (Facebook, Instagram), and I also offer free weekly tarot spread ideas for people who are signed up to my newsletter.
I have courses, readings, and custom services available for monetary exchange.
This is non-traditional, innovative, future-focused time magick.
If you want to know more, DM me.