The Hermit and the Hanged Man are both guardians - guardians of speech and of action. The Hermit imposes limitation from within, and the Hanged Man, from without. Here we have discipline and acceptance. We have solidity of practice and the journey - infinite - into the soul. These are beings who have learned how to skillfully move TOWARD discomfort - they have broken the addiction to pleasure. They are able to see clearly how to manifest the truest, most integral way, even though the outward circumstances may tempt them otherwise.
The Hermit has the power to descend into the underworld, into the land of the dead - it is here that they can act as psychopomp, or as necromancer. The true Hermit, however, is a lamp in the darkness of the world - and we know them when we see them. They walk amongst the shadows, but are not contaminated thereby - they bring solace to the wounded spaces.
The Hanged Man, too, is a light bringer - perhaps the lamp itself. They have sacrificed the superficial for the profound. They bear the scorn of ignorant onlookers, and yet their souls are infinite. This is a Way, no creed owns the rights to it. It has been taken before and will be taken again.
Wisdom converges at the place where sacrifice meets autonomy, and that place is called responsibility. Taking responsibility into action is the portal into to wisdom.