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The Four Compressions

Writer: Peter Duchemin, PhdPeter Duchemin, Phd

The meta-magick philosophy is based on the idea that societies form energy economies around centers, and at a certain stage, the centers shift and a new kind of society immerges. Usually these end up in conflict, but that need not be so. Meta-magick also understands that the centers can be lined up like wheels on a single axle, and when this happens, seemingly disparate world-views can be reconciled.

Borrowing from Jean Gebser's "Ever Present Origin", we see Origin as the originary plenum that saturates all systems. Magic arises in relation to "lococentrality", or put simply, the compass rose. Myth arises in relation to geocentrality, the classic Ptolymaic model of the universe. Reason and Science arise in relation to heliocentrality, as it immerged in the line between Aristarchus to Copernicus/Gallileo/Newton.

We are at the dawn of the Integral age which is galacto-centric (or "Saggicentric"). Giordano Bruno's work, although classed as heliocentric was much farther ahead of its time and anticipated the galactic structure.

When we recognize that all societies and social organizations can be understood as orbiting one of these centers, then we can begin the work of re-integrating them, like organs of a single body, such that the light of Origin shines through.

Meta-Magick's main concern is to operate on the Galactic scale, to help effect this integration.

Yea, let the wheels be aligned.




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