The cross-over point, the "twist" in a moebius strip is called the "chiasm". All phenomena have a double-nature. Consciousness has a double nature. Few, however are able to realize how the double-nature is continuous - not starkly opposed. To have the experience of the continuity of opposites: the one and the many, for example, or the mind and the body - it is necessary to persevere in an extremity - with continuous consciousness, until it turns into its opposite. Most of us will pass out somewhere along the way and experience the chiasm as a kind of lacuna in our memories: a gap, a blank spot. For those who do the Vigil, however, the awareness can pass continuous through the two domains, without a break, without a cut. This is a powerful gnosis. The Chiasm is a bridge that is easy to fall off of. With training it can be crossed skillfully. Once this is achieved, the two domains will become mutually accessible. This is a powerful state of initiation. Perform the vigil of the moon. Cross the chiasm between mind and body, one and many, microcosm and macrocosm.