The Abrahadabra Key unlocks a wide range of magickal capacities. Most people are aware that the gematria of the word "Abrahadabra" is 418. 418, however has somewhat unusual mathematical properties in its own right that are worth a deep exploration far beyond the scope of this post. Still, we will make a start here.
The Abra Key is the name given to the structure of numbers that arises when you consider that 418 is the sum of all the numbers between 13 and 31. This is to say 13+14+15+16....+31=418.

Additionally, this is a 19 number series, whose central number is 22. 19x22=418.
Now, if we wanted to derive a natural link to another popular number in the philosophy of Thelema, we could triple both 13 and 31. This would give us the numbers 39 and 93, hanging there like two pans of a scale. 93 is famously "Love" and "Will" in Greek. Counterbalancing it is the number 39, which in Hebrew corresponds to the word "Tal" or "dew". This indicates the idea of spirituality and prayer and renewal.
Together, 39 and 93 make 132, which corresponds in Hebrew to QBL, "to receive", the root of the word Qabalah. This is the pivot of the scale. In this way, with the right balance of ingredients the formula of Abrahadabra can prepare us to receive divine influx, like a radio antenna.

Part of this is in the array that this 11-letter word makes when it is spelled out as a triangle of 66 points. There are two orientations of this triangle depending on whether it is being used to bring something into being, or bringing something out of being. In the first case, the triangle is produced additively, in the second case, subtractively. Both these 66 point triangles are alluded to by the fact that 132 is 66x2.
We can see a further connection that allows us to assemble a merkabah, or Chariot. In the Week of the Chariot, it will be remembered that I disclosed a magickal "tetrahedron ring", which is composed of 8 tetrahedra of 4 faces each, such that the numbers 1-32 (the spheres and paths of the Tree of Life) can be arranged to make each tetrahedron have the value of 66.

Additionally if the value of the same face on all eight tetrahedra is added up, the total will be 132. In other words the entire array of tetrahedra, comprising and transmuting the entire Qabalistic tree, will have the value of 132x4. QBL in the four Worlds, and multiplied by the four positions of the great name.
The eight tetrahedra themselves may, as I have previously indicated, be assembled around the faces of an octahedron, and will thus form a Stellated Octahedron or, Merkabah.

The main point here is that the key to radically empowering this Merkabah lies in the gematria of 418, as given in the Abrahadabra key. Let those who are prepared to comprehend this disclosure and apply it do so with wisdom, compassion, and authenticity, as it is truly a potent arcanum.

So mote it be.