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Spirated Fractality

Writer: Peter Duchemin, PhdPeter Duchemin, Phd

The Wheel of Fortune teaches us about dynamics of expansion. In particular, it acts as a segue between one dimension and the next. It teach us how to "level up." How does this happen?

There is talk about "parallel dimensions", but the key to dimensional "upgearing" is actually not parallel at all but orthogonal. The next dimension "up" exists at a 90 degree angle to currently occupied dimension. Let me explain. Take line not a straight line but a curved one - that line curves all the way around to its own origin - to form a circle. BUT - instead of connecting to its origin, it is displaced, just a little in an orthogonal direction. This is what creates a spiral.

If that spiral just kept going straight, it would of course be a linear spiral. BUT - instead, it too curves around towards its own origin point. And IF, instead of joining to itself like a snake eating its own tail, the spiral is displaced once again, and forms another larger spiral - orthogonal to the first!

A spiral is a circle that misses.

This goes on forever with the fractal spiral becoming both infinitely large in one direction and infinitely small in another.

But, when we cast a circle, we are deliberately closing on, and HOLDING one gyre of this infinite spiral. Any circle we cast sits somewhere on this spiral of infinite depth, and serves to form a platform from which we can operate on that specific slice of the spiral. This is how we temporarily tame the vortex and harness its dynamo to support our lives and works.

If the spiral is allowed to close into a circle it becomes a torus. Every magickal circle is in effect a torus existing on some scale and allowing us to hold ourselves steady on that level.

A break in the circle means an adventure - and a successful adventure means a closed circle.

Each adjacent dimension is orthogonal to the previous. We see this very clearly in the Thoth Deck, where the wheel is present to us face-on, but above it, on an orthogonal plane there is drawn a circle - the wheel opens, even as the circle closes. Every circle is a portal to adventure waiting to be opened.

The Wheel of Fortune allows for the entering into a new adventure, a new gyre, a new spiral arc, which expands dramatically on everything that preceded it. If we can be adequate to the new dimension, and complete a circle around it, we will be able then, to hold that circle - at least until the next adventure is necessary. If we cannot complete that gyre, our own circles will begin to unravel. Take this seriously -Complete your circles - consolidate your worlds.


Be prepared to fly. Be prepared for an adventure.



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