The lemniscate, or "infinity symbol" references the power of the eight, the Ogdoad. In numerous pantheons and philosophies, 8 is a symbol of stability, strength, and eternal recurrence.
There is something inherent to the number itself - the way we find it in nature by pushing the concept of 4 directions one step further. This same logic is also how we can proceed from the 4 natural stations of the Sun (Solstice-Equinox-Solstice-Equinox) to the idea of an eightfold "Wheel of the year". As a consequence there are 8 yearly festivals in Western Pagan traditions as well as in other diverse cultures, such as the Chinese.
Here are a variety of Ogdoads to think about. The I Ching, with its 8x8 hexagrams, and the Elder Futhark with its 3x8 runes.
The Magick word "Makashanah", discovered by Aleister Crowley has a gematria value of 418 (just like "Abrahadabra"), and is useful for sealing the 8 directions. If the center is included as an "Aleph", with the value of 1, then the whole star becomes resonant to the prime number 419, which has the same value of the letter "Teth", or serpent. This letter is traditionally assigned to the Strength card.
In Greek, the name of the Egyptian god of magick, Thoth has this same value.
Something about the Strength card suggest a serpentine flow of current - the force of magick itself. For this reason we see the lemniscate in both the Magician card and in Strength.
Strength is essentially the very essence of magickal energy, flowing as it does through the transformative stages of the eightfold House.
Find your Strength.