The Tens and Pages all operate in the sphere of the element of Earth - called "Malkuth" in the Qabalistic system. The four elements of antiquity map onto the modern idea of the "states of matter": solids, liquids, gasses and plasmas. According to the esoteric philosophy, the material instantiation of a phenomenon is a register of many subtle dynamics that are occurring on a level that is immaterial - yet anchored in the material. This concept of material phenomenon as anchor allows us to affect changes to the subtle by means of the material.
One way that this is done is through the construction of an altar, which is a composition of material objects meant to reflect states of the subtle realm. Since the act of making magic, or of composing an altar can be said to be "non practical" - which is to say, it does not have an immediate or direct goal other than to express itself, it can be said to be an instance of pure attention. Pure attention is the language that the event-molecule that is reality, speaks.
One does not do magic en-route to anything else. Vision quests don't get piggybacked onto a trip to the grocery store, for example. The more fundamentally useless the act is, the more potent the doing of it becomes, and the stronger it's "voice" in calling new events into being.
It is important that the outcome not be the point. Magick that obsesses with results too often thwarts its own purpose. When we can create out of play, and not worry overmuch about the final goal, we find ourselves closer to it.
It's a trick, to be sure - acting without acting - but that is magick, and it moves the world. Pure attention is its own goal.
So make an altar, assemble elements, speak in the language of events, and let go of trying to cause anything. This is the world. It is sufficient to just be in it with clarity.
(Featured is the Spiral Tarot)
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