IO Pallas Athene!
IO Ra Hoor!
IO Abrahadabra!
We spell with words,
and spells like swords,
do cut a path through time - a road.
When the Chariot is drawn, it is time to find absolute stillness and composure within complete dynamic momentum.
We are each a Star. We are all a Star.
Take the reigns of your seven-fold horse-rainbow. Hear it if you hear it.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
The Chariot embodies a paradox - it is a total singularity - in multiplicity. A mobile, aleatory point - a locus of perception and experience.
Compose yourself, compose your Chariot. The present, the sun-moon, the act of choice: all these are chariots. The Week is itself a Chariot. The Tarot is itself a Chariot. Ride with the full care and focus deserved.
Gravitas in Levitas conjoined.
Now we will move fast, now we will accellerate, now we will cover serious ground.
Stay on focus, and seek the Great HUB.
Learn the way of the Merkabah, the vehicle of light: it is none other that your present awareness, pure.
Descend into the Chariot.
Ascend into the Stars.
So Mote it Be.
Like the two claws of a crab, the chariot/road is a doubly-articulated war machine. It must be both at once, or it is naught.
Trouble. Danger. Hazard. Intensity.
High stakes. Total Commitment.
Singular focus.
Pilot your Chariot as Athena, as Helios, as Arjuna. Stay focused, stay centred.
Know that this is the congress of Eros divine.
Mind the beginning and end with especial care.
When, after the long journey, you reach your home port - the finish - complete it with full attention.
Stay on focus. The Chariot is a vehicle of destiny.
Finish awake.
