The magickal methodology known as Enochian stems from the scrying experiments of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley around 1583 and 1584. The system is vast. One sub section of it concerns four "watchtowers" which are 12x13 grids containing seemingly random letters - some capital, some lowercase, even some backwards. These are assigned to the four elements and four directions.
These grids were received during black-mirror scrying sessions where Kelley spoke to various entities declaring themselves angels and gave instructions for building these tablets.

It turns out to be an intricate form of cryptography which assembles the names of 92 spirit "governors". These are like puzzle pieces which fit into a total elemental synthesis. Once complete, new patterns of names may be read off the grid in different ways, and these are known as the Linear names. In total Dee and Kelley catalogued 444 names, and of course, many more are possible.
It is fair also to observe that this is an energetic coordinate system, and the mage who masters this method is able to make very precise movements and operations at very precise positions in this grid. This is one of the reasons why esoteric societies like the golden dawn have linked this system to the Hanged man - because in a sense he is pinioned upon the cross of his own coordinates, and this limitation is the key to his freedom. Cartesian coordinates can be interpreted in a similar light.
Another reason seems to be related to the fact that Enochian does two interesting things: it makes the element of spirit very explicit (in the form of a 'black cross' or 'tablet of union'), and allows magicians to access and work with this element in a way that is much more overt than the classical qabalistic system. It also subtly biases the element of water in a number of ways - suggesting that the path to the spirit leads from the watery rather than the firey domain.
This is congruent with the "duality" of the icosahedron and the dodecahedron - two linked shapes, that, according to Plato represent water and spirit respectively. In any event, since the Hanged Man is assigned to Mem, meaning water, and carries the element of water, this link to Enochian with its ocean of spirit-codes seems very apt.
Enochian is as deep as an ocean. Balance yourself before you embark across it.
