The gnosis of the star is multiplicity, its nature destabilizes the tower.
There is true unity, beyond all limits, and there is the false unity of reification and enclosure.
The tower symbolizes a premature unification being disrupted from within and without.
The message is: don't stop here.
Move on and through.
Don't try to close the universe into a system.
When closed systems crumble, take joy and fly away, rather than clinging to the fragments. Let the tower fall, and become a bird on the wing.
The tower is calamity for the attached, liberation for the incarcerated.
Beyond these extremes it is simply regeneration.
Live THROUGH the tower... it is an antechamber and a vestibule -
"The Blasted Tower Before the House of God."
Let the tower fall, and move through the rubble to the wide horizon.
Yeah, by an order of magnitude -
unto the wide horizon.